September Numerology
Spring into self-care
By Brigitta Bouwer
I am reminded of the powerful energies of renewal and rebirth as I take in the beauty of life happening all around me. It’s a sunny spring morning in Cape Town and I can feel the rising energy of the people as they prepare for the seductive promise of summer. There is a verve of awakening to the beauty of life which fills my heart with tenderness and joy.
A wintery breeze still fresh in the air, is like a protective parent, reminding us that this transition from a place of inner contemplation in August to the action-oriented energies of September are to be met with gentleness, compassion and mindful awareness.
September is a powerful month, according to numerology.
Numerology forecast:
According to numerology, September holds the vibration of number 9, linked to the energies of creation. The 9 energies surrounding this month marks the end of a cycle of progress. It invokes an awareness of coming changes, igniting within us a sense of completion, wholeness and endings.
As we progress further into September, we are prompted to remain awake to the insights and truths which have been gleaned in the earlier parts of this year. We are being asked to integrate the lessons, to take with us the teachings so that we can release our grip on the experiences of the past, allowing us to access contentment in its closure.
This integration of what has been learned allows us to move steadily forwards as we acknowledge, accept and then ascend into a new version of ourselves.
“Everything we hear is an opinion. Everything we see is a perspective. Not the truth.” – Marcus Aurelius
Why we need to integrate our lessons:
Awakening to the truth of who we are clarifies what drives us and illuminates the path we are currently walking. This truth ignites within us a fire of passion and inspiration to live our lives with purpose and drive.
It opens us to receiving the bountiful blossoms of prosperity that the universe has sustained – patiently waiting for us to lift the veil from restless and tired eyes.
What is needed from us now:
This is a time to see the world through new eyes, dear soul.
It is a time to hear what is really being said, a time to allow ourselves to feel into the full magnificence of our hearts. We are being asked to lead from love, so that we can consciously live a life filled with joy.
There is a need for us to step confidently onto the path we have been avoiding – to stride forwards with intent towards our deepest heartfelt desires, to respond to the call of that which makes our hearts soar.
We are being called to stride towards those things which excite our minds, towards that which lights up our souls.
Gone are the days of living in unconscious autopilot. Biding our time. Waiting for the ball to drop.
Discovering your truths:
We cannot ascend into this new version of ourselves unless we take the time to acknowledge and accept the lessons which have been taught thus far.
If you are ready to move forwards in flow with the beauty of what life has to offer, then I urge you to take the time to contemplate and reflect upon the questions below.
This much needed time for contemplation and reflection provides us the time and space to become fully present to the experience of our lives, so that we can truly step into our power.
It is from this space of conscious awareness that we are able to receive the limitlessness of our power.
It is from this space of conscious awareness and presence that we are able to choose how we will move forwards.
Our personal power lies in our ability to consciously choose our aims, actions and attitudes.
By pausing for just a moment, to become aware of where we are, we are able to realign and refocus our energy and actions towards that which makes our hearts sing and sets our souls on fire.
Questions for contemplation and reflection:
♥ What thoughts and experiences have held you in a state of fear the past few months? What have you been avoiding, fighting or running from?
♥ What truths do these fears hold for you? What do you need to awaken to?
♥ If you could allow yourself to release the limiting beliefs and fears surrounding these thoughts and experiences, how would it change your attitude and actions towards moving in the directions of dreams?
♥ Which parts of you need to come alive?
♥ What areas of your life do you need to see thing with fresh eyes?
♥ What makes you feel inspired?
♥ What brings you joy?
♥ Where can you practice being more balanced?
♥ Where are you so focused on doing (lost in the busyness) that you are missing out on simply being (being present to the experience of joy, love and good in your life).
The completion of a cycle:
Whilst September promises to deliver powerful opportunities for closure, completion and wholeness it is important that we stay true to ourselves by remaining mindful and alert.
This is a time to reinforce the mental, emotional and physical programs, practices, and schedules we began implementing in August.
Now is the time strengthen your resolve to live a life of balance– to allow yourself time for self-care and self-love.
The completion of a cycle means that you are in a position to solidify your newfound ways of being and doing in a way which will improve the quality of your life when moving into the new cycle.
This is a time to ensure that the actions, behaviors, thoughts and practices which you would like to take root in your life are present and being consciously integrated.
By making balance and awareness a priority in your life, the transition into the next chapter promises to be a joyful and inspired experience.
September is a month which is emboldening habits and rituals of self-care and self-love.
It is a time for rooting into a new and more evolved level of self-awareness which lends itself to acknowledging yourself for your efforts. It is a time for going after your dreams in a way that harmoniously allows for time to rest, restore and renew.
Ask yourself, what kind of life are you setting yourself up to lead and does it align with where you ultimately would like to be?
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